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Tri-State Association Daughter of Elks History


The Bi-State Association, now called the Tri-State Association, consisting of Lodges and Temples of Maryland and Delaware, was organized February 7, 1923 at Salisbury, Maryland, by the Late James F. Stewart of that city and Charles A. Oliver, Grand Traveling Deputy of Maryland. The purpose of the organization was to foster the principles of Elkdom among the men and women of the two States and to elevate the race morally, financially and in education.


That year, Daughter Julia Langston of Salisbury was elected President; Daughter Ethel K. Jews, Recording Secretary; Bessie Leonard, Financial Secretary; Agnes Jarrett, Chaplin; Laura Lake, Treasurer; Mabel Bennet, Chairman of Arts and Crafts. 


In 1931, Forest Temple No. 9 joined the Association and in 1938 National Capital Temple No. 659, both of Washington, DC, joined to form the Tri-State Association. Later, Greater Deanwood Temple No. 872, Elizabeth Ross Gordon No. 1011 and Amy A. Warden No. 1317 joined.


The first Officers of Tri-State were Mary H. James, President; Mary Allen, First Vice President; Elizabeth W. Hall, Second Vice President; Estelle Herbert, Chaplain; Gladys Milburn, Escort; Bessie Cook, Doorkeeper; Adele Brooks, Gatekeeper; Beatrice West, Recording Secretary; Elizabeth J. Roles, Financial Secretary; Lill Y. Bennett, Treasurer; Laura Marshall, Organist; Mayme Gibbs, State Nurse; Trustees, Daughters Sadie Morris, Leona Lancaster, Ethel Javins, Mildred Lee and Bessie Robinson.


The Executive Board Members were Rosa Conly, Ida R. Cummings, Lillian Long, Margaret Taylor, Erva L. Walker, Mary Nelson, Lillian Y. Bennett, Alice Pillett, and Ophelia Barnett.


Other Presidents were: Mary Nelson (1944-46), Margaret Taylor (1946-48), Ethel Lambert (1948-50), Mary James (1950-52, Elizabeth Hall (1952-56), Gladys Milburn (1956-58), Amy A. Warden (1960-78), Alfredia C. Fountain (1978-95), Mildred Bivens (1995-2001), and Jean V. Russell (2001-2014).


There have been many major accomplishments since the beginning days of the 1960s. Joint programs have been implemented and have flourished. Some of the joint programs are: Conservation of Sight, Education, Publicity, Shoe Bank, Family Day, Beauty and Talent, Cotillion, Athletic, Civil Liberties, History, and Past State President Collaring.


And, there have been many departments and projects added since the the 1980s. Some include, The Pound of Pennies Project, the Daughter Rulers Council, the Blind Department, and the Special People's Project. In addition, there are the Battered Women, Amy A. Warden Fund, Senior Citizen, Act of Kindness and A Room at the Shrine projects.


Above listed, are just a few of the Officers and accomplishments that have served with pride and dignity, determination, and most of all, dedication. These Daughters have labored in the vineyard of the Tri-State Association to help it become the Association that it is today. And, it is felt that the Tri-State Association is second to none.


To take a look at the current Daughter Tri-State President and her staff, please click here.

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