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For more than 55 years, the Tri-State Association has held the Tri-State Debutante Cotillion. The coordinators recruit from various schools and churches, within the Tri-State Association area.  Talented young ladies in the 11th, 12th grades, and/or first year of college participate in this event. The student must possess a minimum 2.5 grade point average to apply. With parents and principals approval, the young ladies go through a rigorous 10-week training in the areas of etiquette, choreography, social interaction tips and dress code. One of the most significant portions of the program is the audience watching the gleam in the eyes and smiles on the faces of the fathers or guardians as they danced with their daughters. The cotillion is a memorable occasion for the students and provides lasting experiences and friendships.

Director    Bro. Gregory Conley
Directress Dgt. Margaret Selby

2856 Edgecombe Circle South

Baltimore, MD 21215

(410) 664-1057

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